Air conditioning is not the same as ventilation. Air conditioning is the condition of the air, it is a component of your system. Ventilation is ductwork, it is what carries the air to the AC and into the house.
A furnace cannot be an AC unit, however, a heat pump can be a heater and an AC unit. A heat pump sucks the air in from outside and reverses the flow of the refrigerant.
A ductless AC unit also referred to as an inverter AC unit is what we recommend as the best AC unit for a single room. It uses less electricity, is more portable, and doesn't require any duct/vent cleaning. They are…
A ductless AC unit also referred to as an inverter AC unit is what we recommend as the best AC unit for a single room. It uses less electricity, is more portable, and doesn't require any duct/vent cleaning. They are…
A properly sized AC for your home is best, such as a ductless AC system, also called an inverter AC unit that goes inside the home or room.
68-72°F is about the right temperature to have a good night of quality sleep for most people.
As long you are cleaning the filter clean as recommended and doing regular maintenance you will not be at risk for any side effects. Any side effects of using an AC unit.
There have been no negative health effects recorded from using an Air Conditioner so far. It may prove otherwise if you don't change your filter often enough as recommended. The average air conditioner typically requires changing about every 30 days,…
The reason is that Willis Carter, the original inventor of the AC made it to condition the environment and humidity for animals and plants.
No, an AC (Air Conditioner) will not make your skin darker; in fact, it is the opposite effect, AC can make your skin fairer because you are likely to stay inside more and it can cause your skin to be…